The Health Sciences annual Art Show provides students, faculty, and staff from across The Ohio State University health sciences colleges and the Medical Center the opportunity to share their creativity and artistic talents.

Each year, we take this time in the spring to celebrate our colleagues and peers for nourishing their whole selves through creative expression. The Medicine & the Arts Board believes that arts engagement enhances wellbeing and promotes connection and community. The arts create space for personal relaxation and enjoyment and also provide avenues for critical reflection on topics that are crucial to social justice and equity. We thank you for visiting this year’s show. Enjoy. :)


Art Show 2025 Organizers:

Mike Horgan

Sheryl Pfeil

The Medicine & the Arts Board

Medicine & the Arts Committee Members:

Fred Andrle

Pat Wynn Brown

Charlene Fix

Steven Gabbe

Anne Harding

Diane Habash

Mike Horgan (Humanism and The Arts in Medicine Program Manager)

Nongnuch Inpanbutr

Emily Keeler

Peggy Kohler

Jennifer Lehe

Teresa Long

Bryan Martin

Jane Martin

Maureen McGovern

Kerri McTigue

Eileen Mehl Boelcskevy

Shannon Miller

Shannon Miller

Megan Moore

David Pettit

Sheryl Pfeil (Humanism and The Arts in Medicine Program Director)

Wendy Pramik (Chair)

Ron Shaull

Karen Sharp

Linda Stone (Founder)

Amanda Thatcher

Kelli Trinoskey

Merijn Vanderheijden

Erin Wallace