Jenna Gossett

Flourishing in Adversity | Ceramic 2013

Iā€™m heavily influenced by oceanic life and in reflecting the concepts of physical and personal growth in my work. My parents and I went to the beach every year growing up and I always admired how complex and how live giving the beach was. I enjoy exploring texture and movement using surface application techniques. The juxtaposition in a heavy medium like ceramics developing soft or delicate qualities creates interest and contrast in my pieces. To some this medium can feel heavy, ancient, or overly functional but there is a profound beauty  and freedom in creating work from clay. Many of my favorite pieces were made during my undergraduate years as an art major at Otterbein University. Moving from college into my professional life my appreciation for architecture and functional space design has grown and inspired much of my current work. My love for art has continued to grow as I have worked at the Med Center in the world of facilities and design for the last five years.

Jenna is a staff member with James Facilities Planning & Operations


Andrew Glassman


Cynthia Ha