Peggy Kohler (MACK)
Water Dance | 2D Painting 2019
They dance with the same colors on their clothing, but in different styles, cultures, personalities and movements. They all have the theme of water embellishing their clothing, because they are “Sisters in Water”. We all share the earth’s water (our most precious resource)..and our wealth is determined by the purity of the water we put into our bodies. They are dancing the water dance, watching and appreciating each other and sharing the wealth. This is part of the “Woman's Life Dance Series” which is a celebration of women. They are multi-ethnic and athletic instead of sensual in their physique (to avoid judgement based on body type – even from themselves). They wear crowns of their greatest joys and influences in their lives (i.e. children, mates, passions) and are loosely based on Yup’ik masks (from my childhood). Their dresses tell their life story and the cowboy boots are joyful, to give a bounce in their step as they travel through life. They all wear mittens, because the artist is proudly Alaskan! Peggy (MACK) also made the shadowbox frames and painted the interior.
Peggy is a staff member with the James Care for Life.